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Monday, May 22, 2017

Stress Management

People all over the world teach you stress management. But in actual fact
they are teaching you about stress management. They are never in a
position to give you relief from the problem. Medicines are just 20% of the
cure. Rest depends on how we control our emotions. Stress is now a big
problem not only in offices but also in schools.
What is Stress ?
Stress is when we feel we are overloaded with work. There is too much
pressure to stick to targets and it is not possible to achieve the desired
results in a short duration of time.We feel unable to cope and also that a
stage of collapse of all our systems is inevitable. In other words anything
that threatens our well-being is a stress. Let me point out here that some
sort of stress is said to be good for you as it keeps you on your toes.
Frankly speaking without any stress our lives would be boring. However,
when the stresses hampers our state of mind, at the mental level,
emotional level and also at the physical health, then it is bad and needs
to be addressed.
How is stress caused?
One person may feel something as stressful and another may not. There
are triggers that can cause stress just by thinking over accumulated painful
thoughts. These are loss of a family member, family problems, financial
matters, illness, job issues, conflicts in the workplace, losing your job, lack
of time, relationships eg divorce, abortion, pregnancy, becoming a mother
or a father, driving in bad traffic,fear of crime, miscarriage, noises and
crowds, pollution,retirement, uncertainty ( academic exam results about to
be declared, job interview results, laboratory test results, etc),bullying
later on at school, teachers getting after a particular student etc
Sometimes without any rhyme or reason a person can feel stressed. A
feeling of frustration, anxiety and depression can make some people
feel stressed more easily than others.
When we are stressed the following happens:
Breathing becomes more rapid Digestive system slows down Heart rate increases, palpitation Immune system goes affected Muscles become tense We do not sleep (heightened state of alertness) Blood pressure increases The way you respond to a stressful situation also causes stress. Part of
your response to a challenge is physiological and affects your physical
state. When faced with a challenge or a threat, your body activates
resources to protect you - to either get away as fast as you can, or fight.
This is called the fight or flight syndrome.
Physical effect of can be Back pain, Chest pain,Childhood obesity, Cramps
or muscle spasms, Fainting spells, Headaches, heart disease, hypertension,
low immunity, Muscular aches, Nervous twitches, pins and needles, Sleeping
difficulties, stomach upsets etc. At the emotional level it can be Anger, Anxiety,
tiredness, depression,insecurity, irritation, forgetfulness, lack of concentration,
restlessness, sadness etc
A stressed person will start to eating too much or eat too little, food cravings,
angry outbursts, alcohol/drug abuse, high tobacco consumption, reserved
personality, bouts of crying, relationship issues.
How to deal with stress :-
The doctor will prescribe medication which will just make you sleep. He will
advise you to be assertiveness and not to say yes to everything. If you can't
do something say you can't. Distribute responsibility, No alcohol and drugs
or coffee, either stop or cut down, Learn to breathe and relax. exercise and
have a nutritional diet, spend time with family friends and colleagues by
talking to them, spend time for yourself.

Finally join yoga, massage or meditation.
Yoga is something that requires time of at least an hour.Meditation is the best
option and can effectively help in getting rid of stress. It hardly takes 20
minutes a day. It helps us in thinking positive about situations. We can
access positive energies and with the help of these positive energies we can
effectively remove the negative energies and the blocks in the body. You do
not have to be a Reiki master or a Reiki student to do such meditation.
Instant results are there within 20 minutes. I have done my technique three
times at mass gatherings of 45-50 persons in June 2008, of 70-75 persons
in May 2012 and of 40 persons in September 2016. They felt light,
headaches disappeared, stomach aches disappeared, some even felt the
vibrations of negative energies leaving their feet.
If needed, companies may contact me for seminars etc on this issue,
in respect of their employees.
renukakkar, 29.12.2016.

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